Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Six Thinking Hats - u can wear it !

Im don't think i had that crush on reading books - it was never a palatable activity , except for the Kalki's ,sujatha's novels. All these changed when my visited my boss' house. He was almost conducting an orchestra of books and had an experience of ' Life on Mars'.

Among all the books , i consider edward de bono books to be excellent. It is indeed a apity that a book on creativity is written in a linear, boredom inviting way . But if you are used to his ways of writing (better read Das Kapital by Karl Marx), then you have a stuck gold, provided you use your eyes and brain simultaneously.

One important breakthrough in forms of thinking is Six Thinking Hats thats very popular in lot of corporates. Even INDIA team used it , albeit nothing happened . You can't expect INDIAN cricket team to hatch out of their shellso soon !

The essence of six thinking hats is to have parallel thinking . Contrary to the brainstorming sessions where ideas are fought out , this attempts to have parallel thinking . That is everybody participate with one perspective at a time. If you are thinking of ideas , then you think about through that perspective, not about the disadvantages of ideas. The whole team does the same.SO as the perspective changes you think through that perspective.

I found it difficult to use this , but the concept of parallel thinking is very important to shepherd the discussion. Setting an agenda alone ensures nothing.

You can read more about edward de bono here

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